Rules & SOP

Standard Operating Procedures


  • A faculty member of the Department of Computer Science, CECOS, with the designation of lecturer and above is eligible for supervision of Capstone.
  • A faculty member can supervise a maximum of three Capstone-I in each semester.
  • A faculty member can co-supervise a maximum of one Capstone-I in each semester.


  • A student is eligible for registration in Capstone-I after the completion of 6 semesters and all the pre- requisites’ courses of Capstone.
  • There can be a maximum of 3 members in a group.
  • All group members must belong to the same degree. Therefore, BSSE and BSCS students are not allowed to work in one
  • Students of different batches can make groups (i.e., if some students could not pick Capstone with their normal batch, they can register it with their junior batch of the same degree


  • Capstone-I (3 credits) will be evaluated at two stages in 7th semester:
    • The Capstone-I proposal will be evaluated by a double-blind review process which will result in approval/disapproval of a project. In case of disapproval, the students will make the recommended changes in their project proposal and resubmit it for review. This practice will continue until the project proposal is.
    • Capstone-1 final evaluation will be conducted one week before the end of 7th semester by the supervisor and an internal evaluator together. The marks are distributed by the ratio of 50% and 50%, respectively. The work will be evaluated based on presentation, Viva, and FYP-I Report. The supervisor and internal evaluator will mark the project based on this evaluation, as no re-evaluation will be.
  • Capstone-II (3 credits) will be evaluated at two stages in 8th semester:
    • A pre-evaluation will be conducted one week after the Mid Exam by the supervisor and an internal evaluator together. During this evaluation, students will be required to present at least 70-80% of their project work. If the supervisor and the evaluator are satisfied with the progress and expected completion, they will allow the project to be presented in the final evaluation. In case of dissatisfaction (PENDING), a special committee will conduct the re-evaluation after the approval of Convener Capstone.
    • After this pre-evaluation, a supervisor can assign IP or failure status to any Project or single/multiple student(s).

Semester Plan

7th Semester
1 Idea Submission 2nd Idea Proforma
2 Proposal Submission 4th Proposal template and guidelines 10
3 Proposal Defense 8th Proposal Defense 20
4 Proposal Presentation 15th Progress Content 40
5 Report Thesis - I 15th Ch 1 - 4 5
6 Supervision Evaluation - I (8 meetings) 15th Evaluation Template 25
8th Semester
7 Final Presentation 8th Final Presentation Template (8th Semester) 40
8 Report Thesis - II 12th Chapter 5 - 7 15
9 Supervisor Evaluation- II (8 meetings) 12th Template 25
10 Open House 15th Download Poster Template 20
  • In the case of IP, the student will be allowed to continue the project from Capstone-II by adding extended features, as approved by the
  • In the case of Fail, a student will have to register himself for Capstone-I and all progress of Capstone will be lost. His newly achieved FYP-I grade (in the next semester) will be considered as an improvement
  • If the supervisor assigns IP or Fail status to Capstone-II project/students and the students have objections against this decision, a special committee will re-evaluate their project after the approval of the Convener of Capstone Committee. The decision of the special committee will be considered final.
  1. A final evaluation will be conducted after the Final Exams of 8th semester, in which the students will present their project to Internal and External Evaluators. The marks are distributed by a ratio of 30% (supervisor), 30% (internal evaluator), and 40% (external examiner).
  2. No request of re-evaluation will be entertained at the Capstone-I proposal evaluation, Capstone-I final evaluation, and Capstone-II final evaluation. Re-evaluation requests will only be entertained at Capstone-II pre-evaluation stage through a special committee in special 
  3. Result of an Capstone-II project will remain undeclared (RL) unless all the deliverables (report, poster, and CD containing code + report + poster) are submitted to the
  4. A supervisor cannot be an internal examiner of his/her own project at any
  5. Internal examiners are co-opted faculty members approved by Capstone
  6. An external evaluator is a project area specialist, in most cases, from other academic institute or industry, and approved by Capstone Committee/director.